
lastest news in employment law

April 2015 Newsletter

Published 17 Mar 2015

ANZAC day Mondayised

This year for the first time ANZAC day will be Mondayised and will be observed for most employees on Monday 27th April....full story

Zero Hour Employment Contracts

There has been a lot of media coverage recently to do with the Zero Hours Contract concept in New Zealand. Unions campaigning and strikes in fast-food outlets and the Government about to step in....full story

Harassment and Workplace Bullying

We have released our latest eBook guide on Harassment and Workplace Bullying. Everything the Employer needs to know and do to stamp out this unwanted workplace behaviour. Includes guide, policy, system and letters.
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Minimum wage has increased

From April 1 2015 the minimum adult wage became $14.75. Starting out and training wages have also been proportionally increased. Please see our page on minimum wage for detailed information:

Health & Safety Toolbox Reporting

Reports in the Health & Safety module of the Employers Toolbox have been modified and streamlined for better ease of use and accessibility.
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