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Employers Toolbox Feature - 90 Day Trial Period

Published 01 Jul 2015

From within your account in the Employers Toolbox online you have everything you need to include, implement and enforce an effective and successful 90 Day Trial Period.

Every Individual Employment Agreement, both full length and short form Agreements, contain the provisions for the 90 Day Trial Period by default.

Once you have generated your desired Employment Agreement use the letters and forms provided in the Library to introduce the Employment Agreement to your successful job candidate.

Go to the Discipline section and select '90 Day Trial Period'. This offers you tools to assist with invoking and terminating under the 90 Day Trial Period if required.

Use the '90 Day Calculator' to determine the date when the Trial Period comes to an end. Remember that Trial Periods can be for fewer than 90 days, they are calendar days not only working days and the clock doesn't stop for sick leave or absences. This tool will add the appropriate day to the online calendar or download a reminder for your computer.

Finally, another tool will check the validity of your process step by step with a simple wizard of procedural questions. It will check whether the 90 day trial period has been correctly implemented and then provide you the recommended letter of termination giving notice under the 90 Day Trial Period.

Follow these steps to give your business the best protection when employing people under the 90 Day Trial Period.