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Drug and Alcohol Management System

Drug use recreationally and in the workplace are wide spread in New Zealand. Employers are responsible for the health & safety of their Employees. They are also responsible for the welfare of other persons including visitors and contractors at the workplace.

Drug affected Employees are a risk to themselves and others at the place of work. Having a drug and alcohol testing policy will give the Employer the tools they need to manage affected staff, help in reducing workplace accidents and protect the business.

Businesses face severe penalties for breaches of health & safety legislation. Liability of Company Directors and senior managers can be personal.

Considerations as Employers come down to whether there is a contractual right as a business to drug test their Employees and whether there are any policies in place that allow for this. Prior to alcohol or drug testing it is advisable that the company have a drug and alcohol policy in place and ideally linked to staff Employment Agreements.

When implementing or even modifying a policy consultation with staff may be key the success of a good system. Any policy needs to be fair and reasonable and the requirements of natural justice and fair process will always apply, even when staff are tested and return positive (or non-negative) results.

Employers also potentially need to consider how to handle staff who have been caught driving by police in and out of the workplace and what how to handle the consequences of stand down periods and loss of licence.

Buy this system now to learn what your rights are, how to protect your business and formulate your Drug & Alcohol policy from our templates.

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