It's a well known fact that there are serious health & safety risks around the use of quad bikes. Since 2000 statistics tell us an average of 5 people per year die from their use, not to mention all the injuries which ACC say they receive over 1000 claims for work-related quad bike accidents, costing $12 million.
WorkSafe NZ have now changed their policy around the use of quad bikes. They are "Strongly recommending" the use of Crush Protection Devices (CPDs).

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They have stopped short of regulating it at this stage but they have made it abundantly clear they have an expectation that quad-bikes should have CPDs fitted, and have changed their policy accordingly.
One thing for certain is that if you or your staff get injured at work riding a quad bike without a CPD, WorkSafe will deem this to be an unsafe practice.
ACC are also offering a subsidy for businesses (and self-employed) in certain farming industries a $180 rebate on CPD costs from approved providers.
See WorkSafe's policy here