When a job offer is made to a prospective employee and accepted by same, the offer becomes an Employment Agreement and must be honored - even if you are the Government....full story |
More of the same. The Labour Inspectorate has now banned Burger King from employing further migrants and heavily fined a Dominos pizza franchise owner for failure to meet minimum employment standards....full story |
Following the recent Labour Inspectorate ordering Smiths City to pay $1.5M of unpaid wages they have committed to do much better than that alone....full story |
Recent updates to the Employers Toolbox online include; Employee departments, new levels of login security and permissions, automated emails in the Visitor Portal and a new layout for staff member screens....full story |
Daylight Saving Begins
Daylight Saving begins this month on Sunday 30th September at 2.00am. Clocks are put forward one hour to 3.00am.
Any employees who are working during that time will be working an hour less, but have to still get paid for that skipped hour as if it was worked.
Daylight Saving lasts through to 7th April 2019 when clocks will go back 1 hour to NZ standard time.