Employers Toolbox Online

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Employers Toolbox

Cloud based Employment Law, HR and Health & Safety systems online

The Employers Toolbox is our interactive online system of HR, Employment Law and Health & Safety resources.

Businesses can get an account with their own secure logins, create, develop and store their own customised Agreements, forms, policies and systems, download and use them. All work is stored in your account in the cloud with unlimited storage space. Documents can be signed electronically by parties using our eSigning system integrated with the Toolbox. No unnecessary delays, unauthorised changes or lost documents again.

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A comprehensive staff management module is central to the generation, implementation and delivery of important HR documents from hiring to firing and everything in between.  Upload your own HR documents for centralised storage and 24x7 access to complete your comprehensive and secure online HR solution.

Multi-platform ready
Smart device ready with the Mobile web application version. Multi-platform and multi-browser capable

See also the Employers Toolbox Mobile version


The systems on the web are 100% up to date on the day of the visit or download.

Changes by legislation or the courts are included. Our in house legal team modify the templates as and when required to keep up to date with best practices as case law changes.
You can enter the site at your convenience from any computer with web access.
You do not have to wait for a CD or install the contents - instant solutions.
Never lose your mission critical files again.
This is an enterprise wide solution - permission level logins, multi-site, multi-user access.


The Dashboard is the default page. Upon login the user is presented with a brief synopsis of their status. Staff database search, quick statistics, important news updates and alerts all appear here.

Access to the Employment Law Library, staff files and Visitor Portal is here also. Live support chat is available if we're online too.

Users change their preferences from here. Passwords, staff leave management and even upload your company logo to customise and brand your Toolbox and documents.

Staff Management

The Employers Toolbox centres around a comprehensive Staff Management module.
Multiple branches and lots of staff? Not a problem here. An unlimited staff database is available to you catering for many branches if you require it.

Important documents such as Employment Agreements, disciplinary letters and performance reviews can be generated in the system and stored on the staff members file. Users can also upload any documents they choose to the staff file. One centralised location for all personnel records.

Employment Agreements

A highly comprehensive set of Employment Agreement interactive templates are provided to generate a full range of Agreements offering the Employer maximum protection up to date with the latest legislation.

Full time, part time, fixed term, casual and contractor agreements are just some of the most commonly used documents. Use the software to generate, customise and store your Agreements on your staff file and upload your signed off copies. Agreements can be signed 'electronically' using the Toolbox by both parties via our eSigning system.

The software being cloud based means our legal team update the content as and when legislation, case law or best practices change at no cost or downtime to users.


Discipline and dismissals can be the easiest part to get wrong for the Employer. It's not all about justification - it's more about process. Get any procedural part wrong and you will probably lose in the case of a dispute.

This module offers the user a comprehensive system of process and procedure for most disciplinary issues. All the letters are provided, the steps to take and meetings to call.

Customise and save the documents against the staff file for a comprehensive staff member history, and manage the disciplinary process correctly and carefully.

Performance Reviews

Managing staff performance is a huge issue for most businesses. Objective and goal setting is a great way for getting staff motivated and committed to the company and their role within the organisation. Identifying and addressing training needs can improve the performance of the employee and also contribute to their own development and job satisfaction. Staff achieving their goals assists the business in achieving strategic goals also. Having an annual performance review should be considered a minimum for all staff.

Performance Appraisals encourage open dialogue away from the day to day pressures of the job and facilitates both parties finding and correcting any issues before they develop into problems.

There is also a framework for Performance Improvement Programmes. Addressing performance issues or upskilling staff can all be managed in a procedurally fair way here.

Furthermore, performance management is the tool to manage under-performing staff members. Any issues involving substandard performance within the role must be carefully managed to resolve. Having a history of comprehensive and regular performance reviews aids the business owner in achieving desired outcomes.

Health & Safety

Our Health & Safety module provides a management framework to monitor and maintain a company's health and safety compliance issues.

Covering hazard, incident, accident, hazardous material registers automatically generates a dynamic and comprehensive Health & Safety Manual to download in Word format if required.

The Toolbox alert engine will automatically send alerts via email when actions are required, on a weekly basis. Compliant with the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

Visitor Management

Knowing exactly who is at your work site and where they are at any given point is vital during an emergency situation or performing drills. Getting your receptionist to grab the visitor register from the desk often gets forgotten in real situations. Having this managed in the cloud has obvious benefits.

Catering for new and repeat visitors this system provides a speedy and accurate way for your clients to quickly sign in eliminating writing errors, legibility issues and physical books.

Empower your staff with an online system. Fully integrated with your Toolbox staff records, departments and branches. No extra configuration required, automatically creates an interface for each branch as configured in your Toolbox account, uses your company details, a name and logo. Centralised reporting from within your Toolbox account. Print or email live visitor information to your fire wardens or management in an instant

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