Following on from the amendments to the Employment Relations Act earlier this year which have already been updated in May, our Employment Agreements builder in the Employers Toolbox has a new wizard build interface.
When creating an Employment Agreement you are now offered 'Standard' or 'Wizard'. Standard is the traditional builder unchanged, Wizard is the new version.

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The Wizard offers a different approach to the build process of your agreement by including all our recommended clauses by default, then stepping the user through a series of questions around common options, alternatives and inclusions. For example the use of the 90 Day Trial period vs a Probationary Period.

Click to zoom
Using the wizard also makes it easier for users to include Job Descriptions from our online database, and of course offers easy eSigning for all parties involved.

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Agreements created with the new wizard can always be re-opened in the standard builder also and are saved and stored automatically in the usual way.
So, just to reiterate, nothing has changed in the legal content since the May updates, this is simply a new interface to build your Agreements. We would like to convey a big thank you to all our clients whose feedback and input have helped us produce the new format.