News Article

latest news in employment law

Adding Job Descriptions to Employment Contracts

Published 10 Jun 2015

The Employers Toolbox offers over 600 job descriptions which are searchable, customisable and downloadable.

These job descriptions can also be imported as a schedule into any Employment Agreement which you create in the Toolbox.

Here's a quick guide on how this is done, please click on the images to zoom;

  1. From the Dashboard click on 'Search Jobs'
  2. Browse or search for keyword to find your desired job description
  3. Click to open and edit your job description
  4. Click 'Save' to save changes and to store in your 'Saved job descriptions'
  5. Open or create an Employment Agreement, and go to the schedules page
  6. Click 'Add' to add a new schedule
  7. Click 'Import' to open a list of all your saved job descriptions
  8. Select the desired one click 'OK'
  9. Edit and Save as required

Remember your Employment Agreement will most likely have 2 job descriptions now, be sure to remove one.

All Employer Support Package members have their secure account on the Employers Toolbox, non members may demo or join here.