The Visitor Portal has a new feature; custom check boxes. Customise the checks you ask your visitors.
The Visitor Portal which is the free web app to check your visitors in and out of your premises, as part of the Employers Toolbox, now has the functionality to allow you to create your own customised check boxes to present to your visitors.
By default on the visitor sign-in screen we have always included as standard the check:

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This can now be edited or removed, and your own checks added as well. There is no maximum number of check boxes you are allowed to create.
All checks that you create appear in the same order below each other on the Visitor Sign in screen. Checks can also be 'required', ie. forcing your visitors to tick the box.
The data gathered from your check boxes gets collated and exported with the reports in your desired format; Word, Excel or text.

Click to zoom
The checks are created, edited and removed from within the Portal Options screen for the respective branch. Remember if you have multiple branches loaded you also have multiple Visitor Portals.
Changing or removing checks does not affect historic visitor login data, previous sign in options remain the same as were selected at that time.
For detailed information on the Visitor Portal app please see the following user guide: